What is Logistics Consulting

Mark Jorgenson
July 24th, 2023
4 min read

As margins grow tighter across the supply chain and opportunities for new types of efficiencies emerge, business practices that help identify and solve small or large operational problems are increasingly needed.  In the United States alone, Distribution and Logistics consulting is a $24.3 billion industry.

Logistics consulting is a professional service which allows businesses and organizations to improve their supply chain and transportation operations. This can include everything from optimizing routes and schedules to reducing costs and improving efficiency in warehousing pick patterns. Logistics consultants help organizations develop and implement new technologies, such as transportation management systems, and provide guidance on regulatory compliance and other critical issues.

Examples of the types of services that logistics consultants might provide include:

  • Developing and implementing new transportation and distribution strategies
  • Optimizing routes and schedules to reduce costs and improve efficiency
  • Helping businesses integrate new technologies, such as transportation management systems, into their operations
  • Providing guidance on regulatory compliance and industry best practices
  • Conducting audits and assessments to identify areas for improvement in the supply chain
  • Developing and implementing training programs for logistics and transportation staff
  • Providing support and guidance on issues such as customs clearance, warehousing, and inventory management

Overall, the goal of logistics consulting is to help businesses and organizations improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their supply chain and transportation operations and to help them stay competitive in today's global marketplace.

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